

Fun with Froot Loops

I got the idea of doing some crafts with Froot Loops from a friend of mine. Finley was so excited when I pulled out a box of yummy looking cereal. She looked a little upset when she realized they were for a craft, but she quickly got on board when I told her she could eat the leftovers that we didn't use for the rainbow.

  • Froot Loops
  • One sheet of paper
  • Glue
  • Cotton balls or marshmallows
If you have an older child you can take the opportunity to teach them about rainbows. If you have a toddler, just ask them to sort the Froot Loops by color.

Put a half-circle of glue on the paper for each color and Froot Loop up the page until you have a beautiful rainbow.

We added cotton balls for the clouds. I thought about doing mini-marshmallows but I knew they'd be in Finley's mouth before we could get them on the page.

Sometimes I'm kinda "meh" about doing crafts. I'm happy to do them with Finley because it makes her happy and keeps her occupied. But I actually thought this one was a lot fun. I don't know why. Maybe because rainbows are cheery and happy or maybe because there was food involved. Either way it was a lot of fun for us to do together.

Check out the Crafts & Activities page for more fun ideas to keep your toddlers busy.


  1. This is super cool!! I like your idea of adding clouds! We did a similar activity too :) -

  2. Love this fine motor activity for spring. I will be using this in my special needs preschool classroom. It is so nice to get fresh ideas!
