
Groupon Now!: Have you used it yet?

Have you seen the new Groupon Now! deals? Groupon is now offering deals that you can purchase and use immediately. (Groupon usually makes you wait until the day after the deal closes.) They have different categories such as Eat Something, Get a Treat, and Have Fun. Each deal is for a specific time period and must be used then. They do however say if you don't use it they will refund your money. So it's kind of a win-win situation.

What do you think about this? I'm not sure I'll use it. I tend to buy Groupons for activities not salon visits and food, which they seem to offer more of. I'm all for a good deal, but when you're in the mood for pizza, Chinese food just isn't going taste that good even if it was 57% off.

I'll keep an eye on it though. If we're having a "I NEED to get out of the house" kind of day I'll see what's available for the day. Who knows, we might just find something new and exciting (and cheap) to do.

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